Thursday, April 23, 2015

Only 2 more to go...

Tonight, Wyatt had a concert. It is the last one of the year for his LiveWire group, and for the high school orchestra as well. It's also the one that makes me cry every year because they do a Senior Recognition video, with pictures of the seniors set to sappy music. Chubby cheeked infants become toothless elementary schoolers holding their first violins. Photo after photo slides by, then suddenly, they are seniors. It's all very bittersweet, and I sob like I raised them all with my own 2 hands.

They keep reminding me that it's okay, because now we only have 2 more of these concerts to go. Somehow, that does NOT make me feel better, because I know it's going to be 10 times worse when Wyatt is a senior.

How stinkin' adorable is that?! 5th grade, I think. Look at that face. What a grin!

Excuse me, I'm getting all verklempt.

Back to tonight's concert.   

They opened with Sweet Child of Mine, with 4 of them standing on the edge of the orchestra pit.

 At the end of the Final Countdown:

It's always so enjoyable to watch. They truly enjoy performing, and it shows.

I'll leave you with a video I took during Smooth Criminal. Usually, the hat routine is done in complete darkness, except for a blacklight, and it's really neat, which is why I chose that song to record, except apparently they had rented the blacklight before, and didn't have it tonight. Oh well, LOL.

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