Monday, June 8, 2015


We are an impatient family. Waiting in lines really isn't our thing, especially since we have to split up in 2 groups of 2 and swap out on things Ben can't ride. Weekdays at amusement parks this early in the season tend to have nearly non-existent lines, so we arrived at Kings Dominion ready to ride. Much to our sadness, we found our fave coaster, Intimidator 305 down, and the lovely gentleman guarding the blocked off entrance didn't sound hopeful that it would be open at all that day. Other than that, we had a great day, even though it was approximately 7000 degrees outside and every time I obsessively put sunscreen on Ben, I neglected to apply any to myself.

Michael and Wyatt on Hurler.

 Michael attempted to get a picture of David and me on Hurler, but my camera wouldn't cooperate, LOL

 This is me, being sunburned and angry about riding the ferris wheel. I hate ferris wheels.

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